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Sossner Steel Stamps
8AM – 4:30PM EST
Custom Steel Stamps, Custom Jewelry
Stamps, Stamps for Steel and Metal!

About Us
Sossner Steel Stamps was organized in 1900 by A. J. Sossner and was original management until illness caused him to retire in 1955. At this time, the company was bought by Jerry Friedman​ and remained under his management until his retirement, when it was acquired by Neil Friedman.
Progress since 1955
In 1955 all engraving was done by hand engravers or on two-dimensional photographs.
1.) After two-dimensional machines came three-dimensional pantographs.
2.) Development of Injection molds to make patterns:
a. The re-design of pantographs to use printer’s type as masters.
b. The use of soft metals in order to manufacture injection molds at a very low cost, making the use of injection molds economically feasible.
3.) The development of True-Sharp® hardening.
4.) The manufacture of our own patents, such as type holders, Roll-A-Matic tools, and others.
5.) The use of EDM Machines
6.) The development and use of our programs and computers to automate engraving.
7.) The making of Carbide stamps.
8.) We acquired interests in other engraving and marking machine manufacturers, such as:
Martin-Sossner company in Massachusetts
WAL-KAR – Sossner Company in Rhode Island
Southern Sossner Company in North Carolina
Ace Precision Engraving in New York
Sparks Steel Stamps
Wagner Engraving
Recent On-Going Progress
1.) Relocation into a larger more modern facility.
2.) The merging of all our manufacturers under one roof.
3.) The development of automated engraving equipment to make patterns.
4.) Addition to a fully equipped art department, including automated programs.
5.) Expanded sales staff to better serve our customers.
6.) Continued and ongoing improvements and upgrading of all company operations.
Sossner employees 35 superior craftsmen to ensure your product is delivered on time and to the most exacting specifications. Sossner stocks 17 different alloy steels, including ferrotic, stainless and carbide to ensure you have the correct tool for your job.
We have succeeded in bringing over 100 years of experience, effort, and expertise together to serve you! You will have the best in precision machined products at a fair price when you need them. This is our only goal! We at Sossner thank you for your interest in our products and capabilities.
At Sossner, “We Strive for Perfection, We Tolerate Excellence!”